Closed for Repairs.

2022. Photography and Text.

‘Closed for Repairs’ charts the constant need for control through infrastructure. Whether it be populations or nature, there exists a steady push and pull between how spaces are designed to be occupied and how they exist.

The view is a means of maintaining control; from control towers or the windows on a moving train, we dominate the landscape by placing it beneath us, as though it exists for our enjoyment.


Created while participating in the two-week ‘Railway Stories’ course at the Bauhaus Summer School in Weimar, Germany. ‘Closed for Repairs’ was installed as part of a group exhibition entitled, ‘Architecture of Travel’.

In print on the platforms at Weimar Hauptbahnhof, along with a collaborative video present at the historic Bauhaus Campus.

The Architecture of Travel.

Unterwegs. по дороге. Καθ‘ οδόν. قيرطلاع .Onderweg. 途中. по дорозі. Pe drum. En route. To be on a journey, moving through space from one point to another. During a two week intensive course, 6 artists came together to research and analyse everyday train travel, and work together on projects that question, redefine and deconstruct the experience.

Curated by Natalia Irina Roman

Artists: Eleni Koukou, Sophie Kwan, Vesper MacKenzie, Dorothy Melander-Dayton, Anna Novak, and Merel Van Altena

Exhibition text by Merel Van Altena